Sacramental preparations are offered to our children during specific grades levels for both our school and parish families. Children at Queen of Peace will typically receive the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion during second grade and Confirmation during eighth grade.
Students in grade 2 are prepared to make their First Reconciliation as part of our Advent Penance Service each December.
Students in grade 2 are prepared to received the Sacrament of the Eucharist in early May, following the Easter season.
At the end of their 8th grade year, students are confirmed by the Bishop at a special Mass for them.
Children seeking to be baptized or received into the Catholic Church will attend the fall and spring semesters of the RCIA program, held in conjunction with the adult program (RCIA). Their journey of faith culminates in the beautiful Easter Vigil Mass, when they are invited fully into the life and faith of the Church.