Ministry Scheduler Pro makes it easy for volunteers to find opportunities to serve, and stay involved year-round.
Assist the priest during Mass and other liturgical services. Open to youth in 5th grade or above, enrolled at Queen of Peace School or in the Religious Education.
Contact Deacon Bob Byrne
[email protected]
Maintain the plants in church and prepare the church for the liturgical seasons
and feast days. Open to families, teens, or adults.
Contact Sarah Matzke
Administer the Blessed Sacrament during the Mass. Open to fully-initiated (Confirmed) teens and adults.
Contact Deacon Bob Byrne
[email protected]
Proclaim the Word of God at liturgies and Vespers. Open to fully-initiated (Confirmed) teens and adults.
Contact Deacon Bob Byrne
(574) 273-4639
[email protected]
Lead the Rosary 25 minutes before weekend Masses.
Open to teens and adults.
Contact Linda O'Neil
(574) 250-3688
Set up for weekday or Sunday Masses or special liturgical events.
Open to everyone.
Contact Michelle Szajko
[email protected]
Assist parishioners with finding a seat, taking up the collection, handing out bulletins, and assisting patish staff as needed. Open to teens and adults.
Contact Chip O'Neil